My solo show Wild Things is now open at Carson-Newman University in Tennessee. This is the largest show to date of my masks and photographs. I was happy to visit my old University and bring my new creations. It was great to see old friends and meet new students. Open until December 2nd.
Sullivan's Island Creatures
New photographs from Sullivan’s Island and The Isle of Palms, which is near Charleston, South Carolina. Sullivan’s is a beautiful historic island that is known for Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Gold Bug”. Poe set the story on the island because he knew it well….he was stationed on the island at Fort Moultrie while enlisted in the Army. If you stand at Moultrie’s shoreline you can see Fort Sumter (famous for the very first shots of the American Civil War). I think you could probably swim from one Fort to the other if you were in decent shape. I recommend visiting the Forts and getting some information from the Park Rangers…very helpful. Here are a few of my masked photos from the trip.
Goldbug Mask
Bandelier National Monument Artist-In-Residency
I was honored to be selected as an Artist-In-Residence at Bandelier National Monument (New Mexico) for the first two weeks of October. This is my fifth park residency since 2016. During the residency I lived in the park, held demonstrations, and (of course) modeled my masks in the beautiful park. Bandelier is a gorgeous place with a rich Native American history. I also enjoyed exploring Santa Fe and nearby Los Alamos. I highly recommend the residency!
Bandelier AIR Selection Committee Chair Carolyn Florek with Jym.
Craters of the Moon National Monument Artist-In-Residency
I was honored to be an Artist-In-Resident at Craters of the Moon National Monument in Idaho. The park is a fascinating volcanic landscape with black rock and open lava tube caves. For my residency I focused on bat masks. I was able to finish a pallid bat mask and donate it to the park. The mask will be on display at the visitor's center. Follow my photography mask sessions on my Instagram account or check back here for updates. This was my third National Park Service Artist-In-Residency.
Mask painting demonstration at the Visitor's Center
Home in the park for my Artist-In-Residency
'Inferno Cone' - Cinder Cone Volcano
'Indian Tunnel' lava tube cave
Petrified Forest National Park Artist-In-Residency
I was a summer 2016 Artist-In-Residence at Petrified National Forest Park in Arizona. I lived in a Park historic cabin for three weeks across from the legendary Painted Desert Inn. During my residency I made five original animal masks and worked with models to photograph my work in the unique and otherworldly landscape. I also displayed my work at the Holbrook Train Depot for their monthly art series, showed work at the annual Route 66 festival, and held a two day demonstration at the lovely La Posada Hotel in Winslow.
Artist-In-Residence cabin
Mask painting demonstration at La Posada Hotel in Winslow, Arizona.
Petrified Forest Park Rangers Katie Woods and Sevilla Soto generously modeled my masks for me in the Park.
Historic Holbrook Train Depot art demonstration for the month of June.
Mask display at the 'Route 66 Festival' National Park booth in Holbrook, Arizona.
Shooting at Blue Mesa in The Petrified Forest National Park